Wild Multi-Channel Ecommerce Business Growth Secrets for Amazon Sellers & Brands in the USA

Shocking New PMP System Unlocks The Floodgates To More Customers Than You Could Possibly Handle!

Even if your market is a red ocean full of competitors.We swear under oath this system is 100% legal.

(Keep reading along)

Trusted by some of the best companies around the world

Finally , North Carolina's #1 Amazon &

Ecommerce Agency Reveals The Secrets To Go ..

From โ€˜Amazon Dictating Rulesโ€™

To Having Total Control

Of Your Brand Identity

In 2023 & Beyond, due to dynamic e-commerce landscape,

many opportunities are ready and waiting for you.

Yet, a challenge demands your immediate attention within

this sea of possibilities.

You see, Amazon isnโ€™t just a retail behemoth; it's a digital

marketplace juggernaut,

a symbol of convenience and efficiency

But as we dive deeper,

The biggest โ€˜unnoticedโ€™ mistake is luring into enticing rewards

without understanding risks that accompany over-reliance on

this dominant sales channel.

Hereโ€™s how you as a Amazon brand owner might feel;

You might be at a crossroads, balancing the thrill of

e-commerce opportunities.

Along with the anxiety that comes from relying solely

on Amazon.

The weight of this challenge feels like a boulder on your shoulders.

Listen up: Weโ€™re gonna shoot straight without sugarcoatingโ€ฆ

Chances are;

๐Ÿ˜” You wake up every day wondering if your Amazon business, is as secure as you once believedโ€ฆ

๐Ÿ˜” Despite its undeniable allure, it is a source of constant worry for you.

day in, day outโ€ฆ

We get itโ€ฆ

Every policy change on Amazon's part sends shockwaves

through your business affecting your profit margins.

Sleepless nights & your mind racing with questions

๐Ÿ˜• What if Amazon alters its fee structures again?

๐Ÿ˜• What if more competitors flood the marketplace?

Trying to grow your business on a single platform is like launching a fragile paper boat into a raging, storm-churned sea...

Where towering waves of competition threaten to swallow your ambitions whole,

Leaving you in a vast ocean of missed opportunities of regret & vulnerability.๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜”

We understand the weight of these challenges, but we're here to offer solutions that can transform your Amazon business

Ready to tackle these challenges? Keep reading below...

Or if you wanna solve the problem almost right now,

book a call with one of our top e-commerce advisors

to find our how we can help.

Finally , North Carolina's #1 Amazon &

Ecommerce Agency Reveals ...

Revenue Expansion Secrets No Amazon Marketing Agency Would Ever Dare To Tell You

Weโ€™ll reveal the hidden secrets of the Top 0.001% of e-commerce brands. You can amplify your Amazon success by diversifying your sales channels with Shopify (or any other preferred market place) and set yourself apart from the sea of competition.

Having a single sales channel is a risk that only some e-commerce businesses can afford to take.

Having multiple sales channels is no longer a choice but a necessity.

Hence, it makes absolutely no sense to have only Amazon drive your business.

Imagine having not just one but multiple streams of revenue flowing into your e-commerce business every day of every week.

Market dynamics change, competition grows, and policies shift. It's time to future-proof your business by embracing a multi-channel approach.

Put simply, having multiple sales channels like Shopify can amplify your Amazon success to help you gain more profits, build a loyal fanbase & have greater control & freedom over your customers and e-commerce operations.

Our strategies & methodology will be helpful if you want:

  • 2X, 3X or even 5X Your Profit Margins
  • Break Free from Amazon's Limitations - Take back control of your business and set rules.
  • Maximize Sales: Tapping into multiple channels opens doors to a broader customer base, increasing your sales potential.
  • Build a Lasting Brand Identity - Stand out in a crowded marketplace and leave a lasting impression
  • Tap into New Audiences - Unlock hidden markets and reach hyper-active buyers within 30 days.
  • Leverage Multi-Channel Sales - Rise above the noise and easily dominate your marketplace.
  • Reduce Operation Costs by up to 347% - Discover untapped goldmines to optimize your business.
  • Multiply Your Reach, Sales, and Profits - Experience exponential growth with Shopify.
  • Navigate the Path to Sustainable Success - Learn from real success stories and proven tactics

Ready to explore these revenue-expanding secrets on how we can help you, so you can focus on what you

truly care abot, your customers & your products?

Click below to see if you qualify.

Alarming Insights Revealed ...

Hereโ€™s What The Worldโ€™s Top Researchers & Institutions Have To Say About Multi-Channel

E-commerce Expansion

Statistics from 2020 show that multichannel retailers in the United States generated more than $350 billion in sales.

Consumers like to shop across various channels before deciding to buy a product

According to Wharton, 66% of online shoppers rely on more than one channel for purchases - Wharton Business School (Ranked Top 5 Universities In The World)

Multi-channel eCommerce customers have a 32% higher annual spending history than customers who shop at brick-and-mortar only.

As Trusted Partners for Amazon-to-Shopify Expansion...

Here's Why You Should Listen

To What We Have To Say ...

๐ŸŒŸ Our story began as trailblazers in the world of Amazon strategy, earning a reputation as the go-to Amazon agency.

But guess what? Our hunger for excellence took us even further โ€“ we realized that brand's potential knows no boundaries!

But wait, there's more! We didn't stop there.

We cracked the code to unlock your brand's potential

beyond Amazon's limits!

๐ŸŒ It hit us like a lightning bolt โ€“

Your brand deserves more than just one platform.

Replicating your Amazon Success on Shopify opens

up the wildest gates to hungry & hyperative buyers that are

waitng to buy from you.

๐Ÿ” We get it. Amazon's like a puzzle โ€“ thrilling, but sometimes

those pieces don't quite fit.

That's where we come in! We've got a backstage pass to Amazon's secret garden, and we know where those hidden hurdles are. We also know how to overcome them

And guess what? We've got the keys to unlock new avenues of success for your brand with the PMP System

At Srujan Digital , we epitomize expertise, innovation, and a steadfast commitment to propelling your brand towards unprecedented growth.

Now that you've seen the power of multi-channel expansion, it's time to discover how our agency can turn these insights into actionable strategies that drive growth.

By clicking 'Find Out How,' you'll learn from our top e-commerce advisors, how to tap into new revenue streams, reach a broader audience, and maximize your e-commerce success.

Hereโ€™s A Fraction Of How Diversification and Our Secret โ€˜PMP Methodโ€™

Can Help You

Here's A Sneak Peek Into

Our Secret 'PMP System'

Pre-Marketing Intelligence

We'll peel back the layers of your market to bring out the hidden treasures and lucrative gaps of profits.

  • In-depth Market Analysis:
  • Target Audience Profiling
  • Competitive Intelligence:

Multi- Modality Marketing

We become your strategic partner, navigating multiple sales channels, creating captivating content, and executing data-driven campaigns. Our expertise is your secret weapon.


faster deals


faster deals

Post- Marketing Optimization

Our power of analytics, data science, unit economics and optimization that ensures every marketing dollar yields maximum returns

  • Actionable Insights
  • ROI Maximization
  • Future- proofing

Brands & Retailers who sell on 3 or more sales channels generate 143% more revenue than those who sell on fewer channels - Sellbrite

Wanna Expand Your Brand Revenue By

10-43% In 90 Days? Guaranteed!

Is this something that could transform your business and life?

Imagine the transformation this could bring to your business.

Is it something you can afford to miss?

What if you could add an extra

$50,000 to $500,000 in revenue to your bottom line?

Exciting, right?

Now, here's the real question:

Are you ready to put this to the test?

We're here to take your e-commerce journey

to the next level, focusing on what we call;

The Third-Wave E-commerce

Triad to Hyper-optimize

Your Customer Value Journey

1. AOV

Boost per-sale revenue by 10-43%, giving your profits a significant lift.

2. LTV

The secret to long-term success; LTV-focused businesses enjoy up to 9 times more profit, ensuring a secure financial future

3. Cart Abandonment

Did you know that a whopping 79.57% of online shopping carts are abandoned?

How do we do it?

  • Weโ€™ll revamp your email automations
  • Weโ€™ll fine-tune your landing page & product descriptions
  • Weโ€™ll optimize or rewrite your ads
  • Weโ€™ll craft irrestible GODFATER offers
    (just like we're doing it for you)
  • Weโ€™ll do whatever it takes to increase your revenue & profits.

In case you're wondering...

Here's the clincher

We GUARANTEE to Expand Your Revenue or We Work for FREE.

This means if, against all odds, we don't deliver (which is highly unlikely), we'll work for FREE until we get you the results you're looking for.

You won't pay us a single red cent until your revenue grows.

Look, this is by far the closest you'll get to reducing dependace on a single platform, while skyrocketing your profits via Shopify.

Think about it:

  • No Setup Fees
  • No Copywriting Fees
  • No Strategy Fees
  • No Designing Fees
  • No Consultation Fees
  • No Chasing Rainbows fees (had to check we still have your attention )

By Far The Best Legal & Ethical

Framework To Unleash

Your Profits.

And guess what? If we do bring in results (highly likely) you'd still

be not out of any money...


It easy pesy...Every dollar you pay us will come from the EXTRA sales & revenue we generate you wouldn't have made unless we harness the

winds of change & profits.

Click the button below & hop on a call with our ecommerce specalists to

witness the change that takes you from where you are to where you wanna


WAIT! Thereโ€™s An Extra
Zing To Thisโ€ฆ

Call us crazy but we're ready to plant seeds in a hurricane !

We're going to walk on air, wrestle with shadows, fishing for stars in the sea


But seriously,

We practise what we preach,

The Gods Gospel Of Marketing !

"Make your offer so good that only a lunatic would refuse it"

This is the key ingredient to sky-high conversion rates !

We're making the most supereme offer made by

any digital marketing agency in USA.

So here's what you get (along with the Ivory Tower ) :

#1. 1 on 1 โ€˜PMP Methodโ€™ Consultation for Your Business (Value: $497)

#2. Sizzling Email Automations

(Value: $2997)

#3. Bespoke 12-Month Marketing Blueprint

(Value: $497)

#4. Streamlined Marketing Strategy As Per Your Customer Value Jouney

(Value: Priceless)

#5. High-Octane Conversion Rate Optimization

(Value : $2997)

Total: $6997++

Yours Today For $6997 FREE .

But, for all the skeptics who're still on the edge...

Our 'Are You Crazy'

Add-On Bonus That Will

Leave You Speechlessโ€ฆ

We really stand by what we say.

So if you're still on the edge, scouring for the rainbows end

& aren't on a call with our specalists !

Ladies & Gents...

Presenting you !

(*taking a deep breath*)

The most lethal & potent marketing report you'll ever see:

X-Ray Competitive Intelligence Report
(Worth $1997 Alone)

Hereโ€™s the problem this report solves:

Most Amazon & Ecommerce Brands compete

against unbeatable top players.

Growing their brands feels like aiming blindfolded,

stumbling in the darkness of uncertainty.

Attempting to compete with top-performing sellers who

dominate a category can be challenging and costly.

Our X-Ray Competitive analysis recommends focusing on

categories ranked where competition is less intense and

offers better opportunities for success.

So you can,

๐Ÿ’ฐ Concentrate their efforts and resources in less competitive categories.

๐Ÿ’ฐ Have a higher chance of achieving significant market share.

๐Ÿ’ฐ Reduce the risk of being overshadowed by dominant competitors.

So if you're here with us...and wondering what to do next...here it is..

Go here & book a 30 minute strategy session with our team to see

if we're a good fit.

Still Wondering What To Do Next?

Click, Crush & Caress

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